Freddy Will's Notebook LITERARY Freedom, Ideals & Discourtesies in Journalism

Freedom, Ideals & Discourtesies in Journalism

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As far as I condemn any and all kinds of violence, cruelty and contempt for human rights, I also do not support pedophilia, racism, cruelty to animals in the name of culture, ideals or religion.”

We cannot be ignorant or arrogant about our flaws if we’re genuinely for peace, justice, and unification. Are our ideas more legitimate than others? We live in an international government, law enforcement, and media system. Can we fail to distinguish the difference between ideals and freedom? We must respect that there is a thin line between liberty and ideas and some discourtesies in journalism. Does it matter what kind of freedom they promote? Freedom of expression, press freedom, you name it. How do we insist that they incite provocative opinions with clear statements? Wherein they fail to report what the public requires. There must be a place where we draw the line.

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Besides, we should also note that our press is blatantly bias when it comes to its government, law enforcement and corporate interests.”

Psychological manipulation is an assault. The primary cultures, creeds, or religions of Asia, the Middle East, and Russia warrant respect for political and religious administrators. The slandering of authority figures or blasphemy of prophets is as severe as pedophilia, adultery, or animal cruelty in the West. This is their ideal. It does not mean that they encourage pedophilia, adultery, or cruelty to animals. It equates which scale of seriousness one can attribute to such an act. We have a superior military with mainstream media. Does that allow us to disregard leaders, customs, or sacred ideals? If so, they, too, will ignore our leaders and our dreams.

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Freedom of the Press

Press freedom has limits because no one can impose what they believe is grotesque. Remember, democracy is about the people, not the media or a single idea – the people. Besides, we should also note that our press is blatantly biased regarding its government, law enforcement, and corporate interests. Therefore, we expect our media to have the same regard for the governments, law enforcement, established religion, ideas, or corporate interests of other countries. We are not the only ones with sensitive ideals. When we impose our standards on them, we ask for war. In this context, the main point is the LIMITATION of our freedom regarding respect for other ideas worldwide.

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This is far too crucial! This is precisely why China, North Korea, Iran, and other Nations are our enemies now. Because we refuse to accept their leaders, religious system, and IDEALS while using our mass media to impose ours on them. What’s to stop those countries from banding together to attack us? As far as I condemn violence, cruelty, and contempt for human rights, I do not support pedophilia, racism, or animal cruelty in the name of culture, ideas, or religion. That said, the truth remains that we must respect others as they respect us. We must be sensitive to the grotesque nature of our actions towards them and their ideals. Our media must be respectful. *

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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